Good On Avax

Contributors to our cause can earn or purchase $GOOD as we push toward our ultimate goal for GOOD. We plan for at least 10 seasons. The goal is for $100,00 total, $10,000 per season.

Incentives include physical art, custom merch, COQ, BAWLS, RIZZ, AVAX, and NFTs. See link below for more info, $GOOD is backed by digital and IRL assets to support smol businesses and Avax natives.

Library of Good Incentives

Money raised will be distributed biweekly to charity, votes (using your $GOOD) will help determine direction.

Initial focus will be investing in:

  • Mental Health in Web3 space

  • The Giving Block's Mental Health Impact Fund (using to give $COQ directly)

  • Sponsoring a small group of orphan's education

  • Developing an app to help treat chronic pain and a Dapp to allow people to check in

  • Working with trusted partners ($AVAX natives when possible) to turn their dreams into reality, paying it forward and blessing those who bless others

  • Helping to merge the meme with the cause

Our Why

0xbb01D7A6d1d9062d6e2006D3cB93Cc9D8c6f3850 - Charity Giving Wallet

0x867945d9fF564b29fF9d7Dca624e43Eac7dD2a21 - Rewards / Incentives Wallet

Rewards wallet has Avax, NFTs and memecoins

Every couple of week there will be updates of the Good on Avax we accomplish, that we recognize, and that we want to celebrate. These X threads will soon come with their own Medium articles.

$GOOD / $COQ - Meme Meets Utility & Charity

This LP pair was fairly (and rather stealthily) launched 2/06/24. There is a 2% buy/sell tax that goes to the Charity Wallet. The total supply is 1,000,000 $GOOD to represent the Good we want to do using on and off chain tools.

Contract address is 0x169e8f8773072CE4B87fB7e7a47eeD31B481a31f.

GAINS LP pair was created by the RUNITBACK team that can be deposited on to get $GAINS.

Revenue Towards Charity and Incentive Wallets

  • $GOOD / $aGOOD trading

  • Farming on / APEX

  • NFT sales

  • Art auctions and raffles

  • Partial proceed incentives

  • Coq Hero game

  • Partnerships

  • Consulting services (engineering, UI and web development)

aGOOD on APEX - Sept Update

$aGOOD staking pools live on APEX, currently with the highest APRs

1. Go here

2a. Either click the recycle symbol to wrap $GOOD or buy $aGOOD with AVAX

2b. You can choose to add $aGOOD / $AVAX liquidity in the bottom right

3. Click on the Earn tab, scroll to bottom and deposit into single sided $aGOOD or LP staking pools

4. You can claim or stake/unstake as often as you like. If you choose Max Apex it will send the $aGOOD to your wallet and the $APEX straight to the APEX single sided pool. Apex makes it easy to learn and earn! Have fun exploring the unique features

Last updated